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Changing the World one day and one person at a time

Welcome to the Fourth Grade Ecology Team!!!! Where we believe  we can make a difference in the world one student at at a time.  Our Team supports student learning, research, observation, data collection, and how to think like a scientist.




Ecology is the study of interactions of organisms with their environment and with each other.  In other words; living together and causing no harm.



The MISSION of Francis Scott Key's Fourth Grade Ecology Team is to develop a better understanding of our environment by preserving(saving) and protecting wildlife, our natural resources, and understanding our place in this environment.        Remember...."All of us should be stewards of the Earth" that embrace a life long love for protecting  one of our most precious commodities... the Earth.


The team is starting small but thinking big. Last year(2013) we focused on recycling paper, bottles, plastic, and can waste. 

This year we will vote on a new project to add. Please watch out for our newsletter identifying our new project.  


And.....Look for the Fourth Grade Ecology Team Ambassadors in the halls of FSK and thank them for being part of the solution!    

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